Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Turning 30: It's not so bad after all!

Well, the big 3-0 has come and gone and left me feeling...pretty much the same as I did on October 17! In fact, it was a splendid birthday; a day full of kind wishes, thoughtful presents, and expressions of love. And the celebrations will continue with a dinner date tonight as well as a Mad Men cocktail party Jeremy is throwing me at the end of the month! I'd say that turning 30 was a complete success!

My little 30x30 project, on the other hand, did not fair as well. I had wonderful intentions (as we all do), but...time got away from me, I was lazy, I was busy, I started strong and finished weak, I was pregnant....numerous excuses abound. I managed to cross off eight to-do items from my list of 30. It seems kind of lame that less than 1/3 of the list was completed. However, my 30th year lasts for another 364 days, and therefore I will strive to accomplish more as the year unfolds.

1. cross the Golden Gate bridge on foot or bike

2. eat breakfast on the beach

3. make Grandma Babchuk's cabbage rolls recipe

4. pay for a stranger's coffee in the Starbucks drive-thru

5. watch "The Wizard of Oz"

6. bake homemade bread

7. travel out of state or country (Seattle 3.19.11-3.21.11)

8. buy myself a bouquet of fresh flowers (irises 3.27.11)

9. plant a vegetable garden

10. paint in my living room/kitchen/dining area...maybe

11. finish reading the Harry Potter series before the last movie hits theaters in July (5.10.11)

12. fit my booty back into my favorite pair of jeans

13. write and mail a handwritten letter every week

14. purchase printmaking supplies and create an original lino-cut print (9.10.11)

15. go dancing (Paso Robles - 3.11.11)

16. refinish an old buffet/sideboard table for my dining area

17. volunteer (Serve Dei w/ Life Group 5.23.11)

18. scrapbook SF '10 & Seattle trips

19. hike in Sequoia National Park

20. go to a concert

21. deliver cookies to a neighbor

22. send our sponsor child, Rakib, six letters, notes or pictures

23. leave 30 sticky notes of encouragement in random places

24. eat at Dusty Buns Bistro (9.22.11)

25. do one pull-up

26. wash my car once a month

27. tip a server the full amount of my entire bill

28. go on a hot date to Ripe Tomato

29. roast a whole chicken (7.17.11)

30. take a yoga class

So here's to finishing my list before next year!


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