Sunday, August 28, 2011

August in Canada

Returning to Fresno after a week spent in the rolling green hills of Saskatchewan is always a tough thing. Don’t get me wrong, I like Fresno. I really do. But home is where the heart is, and my first home will always be Saskatchewan. Each visit is guaranteed to leave me feeling refreshed and relaxed. The prairies are one of my favorite places on earth. The expansive, deep blue sky stretches endlessly, making it feel as though you’re living inside a giant snow globe. The horizons are so clear and crisp, you can literally see for miles across the fields of crops and trees. The pace is slower, everyone waves to you while driving on the gravel roads (even strangers), there’s always a familiar face at the local cafe, friendly conversations are had while filling up at the gas pump, a fresh, homemade cookie is offered at the shoe repair store, every summer meal is sure to include a bounty from the garden and is enjoyed may sound like some Norman Rockwell painting, but it’s the small place on earth where I was privileged to grow up and where I love to return.


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