In preparation for this momentous occasion, I've decided to make a list of 30 things I'd like to accomplish before the big day on October 18. You will not find anything grandiose or unattainable, like a trip to Paris or having a baby (because I know for certain those things are not happening before October!). Instead my list is filled with small items; some meaningful, others frivolous. And by posting it here on my blog, I'm holding myself accountable to actually attempt its completion!
I composed my list over a month ago, so there are a few items already crossed off. As I work my way through this list, I will be sure to post a picture and a comment or two. Wish me luck!
1. cross the Golden Gate bridge on foot or bike
2. eat breakfast on the beach
3. make Grandma Babchuk's cabbage rolls recipe
4. pay for a stranger's coffee in the Starbucks drive-thru
5. watch "The Wizard of Oz"
6. bake homemade bread
9. plant a vegetable garden
10. paint in my living room/kitchen/dining area...maybe
12. fit my booty back into my favorite pair of jeans
13. write and mail a handwritten letter every week
16. refinish an old buffet/sideboard table for my dining area
18. scrapbook SF '10 & Seattle trips
19. hike in Sequoia National Park
20. go to a concert
21. deliver cookies to a neighbor
22. send our sponsor child, Rakib, six letters, notes or pictures
23. leave 30 sticky notes of encouragement in random places
25. do one pull-up
26. wash my car once a month
27. tip a server the full amount of my entire bill
28. go on a hot date to Ripe Tomato
30. take a yoga class
I love reading your blog so excited to see some of these finished products! Can't wait. Later :)
nice list. very ambitious yet realistic. i'm feeling motivated myself. for help with pull ups look into crossfit. i used to do 3 or 4 pull ups. i did 50 the other day. go get em.
justin surine.
p.s. i just realized i sounded like a big cheezy meathead. i wasnt trying to sound cool. they re just really awesome workouts, and crossfit is an awesome way to meet new people to. its all group classes.
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