Thursday, March 3, 2011

The ABC's of Kristin

I've noticed a few bloggers participating in this little time-waster and thought I'd join in! Here are 26 oh-so-important facts about yours truly...

A. Age: 29 and holding...I really can't believe I turn 30 this year. I'm not particularly dreading the big 3-0, it just seems very surreal that this is the last of my 20s!

B. Bed size: Queen. After eight years of waking up each morning with barely an inch of bed to spare, I'm sure Jeremy wishes we had a California King.

C. Chores you dislike: Cleaning the shower is the bane of my existence. And I'm not a huge fan of mopping the floor, which is very unfortunate since the majority of my house is tile!

D. Dogs: Nope. Growing up, my family always had a dog, but since I've been on my own it just hasn't happened. And let's face it, I'm not really an animal person. Maybe that makes me cold-hearted, I don't know? But I really enjoy not having to pick up another species pooh or having dog hair all over my stuff.

E. Essential start to your day: Breakfast. And kissing Jeremy goodbye before we leave for work. In that order.

F. Favorite color: I heart purple.

G. Gold or silver: I was always a silver person, but over the last few years I've gravitated towards gold by way of these amazing creations at Make Pie Not War.

H. Height: Just shy of 5' 10"

I. Instrument you play(ed): I play the piano. I'm pretty rusty right now, but I can do it. I took lessons for five years when I was younger and then again in college for a year. I don't consider myself overly gifted musically (I cannot play by ear) but am thankful that I do know how to read music and can plunk away at the old ivories when the mood strikes.

J. Job title: Customer Service Representative. I'm a jack of all trades in my office.

K. Kids: in the Hall. Just kidding. Yes, there will be children. No, I will not announce if and when we're "trying."

L. Live: Fresno, California. Despite the fact that this city seems to land at the top of every "worst of" list, Fresno has really grown on me. I've lived here for over eight years and it's home. Plain and simple. There are wonderful people here, the mild winters and warm summer nights are wonderful and it has an Anthropologie. What more could a girl ask for?

M. Mom's name: Cheryl, but most people call her Cher. She's an amazing mom. My dad refers to me as "clone 1" and my little sister "clone 2", which I consider a high compliment.

N. Nicknames: I'm "babe" to Jeremy, among other pet names that I will spare you from. An aunt and uncle always called me "Special K" when I was little, and as I grew older (and less special, perhaps?) I became "Miss K." I was "Babs" to my high school volleyball team. I can think of only two friends who ever called me Kris - that one just never stuck.

O. Overnight hospital stay: Thankfully, none. The biggest medical procedure I've ever had was getting my wisdom teeth removed.

P. Pet peeves: Slow walkers and slow drivers. "Move it or lose it, sister."

Q. Quote from a movie: Aside from the Dumb & Dumber quote I just used in the above post...."I don't think it's a matter of opinion, empirically you are attractive." ~When Harry Met Sally (Jeremy always says this to me whenever I complain about how I look. He's sweet like that.)

R. Righty or lefty? Righty. My mom is a lefty, and growing up we had a heck of a time cutting bread with her left-handed bread knife.

S. Siblings: I have a little brother and a little sister. Jay is 27 and Meg turns 14 this month. They're two of my favorite people, and I wish I saw more of them.

T. Time you wake up: Anywhere between 6 and 6:30 a.m. Now that the sun is coming up earlier I'd like move my wake-up time to 5:30 so I can start walking in the morning.

U. Underwear: A clean pair every day. That's all you need to know about my underwear situation.

V. Vegetables you don't like: I like veggies more than fruit, so this is a hard one to answer. Okra is the first gross vegetable that comes to mind. I'm not sure what it is and how to cook it, but the one time I did eat okra, it was pretty blah.

W. What makes you run late: The older I get the more punctual I am. And if you ever witnessed a Sunday morning at my parent's house, rushing to get everyone out the door and to church on time, you would know just how miraculous my punctuality is.

X. X-rays you've had: Annual dental x-rays and a chest x-ray for immigration purposes.

Y. Yummy food you make: I love to cook. I've managed to trick Jeremy into thinking that I'm a gourmet chef, but my secret is knowing how to read. Seriously, trying new recipes on a regular basis has really helped me develop a tasty repertoire of meals. My current faves: butternut squash rancheros with polenta, roasted sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts (I could eat either for every meal), a great spicy bean and rice dish I recently found on a vegan blog and my old stand-by, balsamic Dijon chicken. Mmmm.

Z. Zoo animal favorites: I just visited the zoo a couple weeks ago with my friend, Jen, and I have to say that the giraffes and tiger are the coolest. And flamingos are stinky.


Lyndsay said...

The Anthro in town helped make the move to Fresno easier for me. When Chad applied for the job here I rushed online to search the store locator and was thrilled when the Fresno store popped up. favorite store EVER. The smell, the windows, the displays, the home goods, the colors, the sale racks...heaven! (Fun reading this post, by the way.)

Kristin Berquist said...

Lyndsay, I completely agree about Anthro! Love, love, love it.

Lacey Lehman said...

Me too, but who can afford it! :) Fun to read the facts about you!

Unknown said...

I loved reading this but I am wondering do you love the bamboo at the zoo!! ha ha I love reading your blog it always makes me smile and wish I could visit more with you. thanks for sharing!

Michelle Lopez said...

I didn't see this until now! What a fun post! I think I may steal this sometime. Anthro is the best! Wish I could afford more there!

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